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Somatic Shadow Work Playshop (in-person)

A deeply nourishing exploration of our innermost SELF

Sunday April 30th, 2023
2pm-6pm Est
$100/$125 at the door
Location: Atlanta (specific address to be sent out to registered participants 3 days before the event)

Our Shadow-Work Playshop is a unique in-person event designed to help you learn transformative self-healing techniques and be supported by a group of like-minded individuals.At this playshop you will receive practical instruction on how to work with core shadow material and a post-traumatic growth regimen.

We call it a Playshop because we will be playing with some fun and collaborative energy exercises meant to give us deeper insight into who we are and who we can be!

During the event, you will gain a deeper understanding of the shadow self and how it can affect our lives through a somatic lens. In other words we will not be sitting around talking the whole time in cognitive land, we recognize that true healing and alignment occur in the present moment when you are in your body!
We will certainly be having deep dialogue but dropping below narratives into direct experiencing will take priority throughout our time together.  

Through a combination of discussions, exercises/practices, and somatic experiential meditation you will gain the tools and skills necessary to begin to heal and integrate your shadow self.

This event is perfect for those looking for support on their healing journey and could benefit from having more sustainable practical steps/methods to take home. 

The intention of this event is to expose you to the power of somatic embodiment, the role of community in healing, and increase the efficiency of your healing work as it applies to self, relationships, and family dynamics in general. We do this through group work because groups represent families.

Join us and discover new and powerful ways to heal your inner self.

Light Vegan fare will be served at the end of the event!

Location: Atlanta, TBD 3 days before the event! 

What to expect: kriya yoga, somatic experiential meditation, sound healing, group discussion, group exercises, journaling and much more. It would be wise to view this as an interactive mini-retreat rather than a class or yoga session. There will be enough theory for your left brain to chew on and enough creative expression for your right brain to delight in.

You will be learning the basics of shadow work (psychological integration) as well as more advanced aspects of shadow work as it relates to spirituality and conscious evolution.

Suggestions : Please bring yoga mat, journal or pen/pad, some form of hydration and an open mind with willingness to participate!

See you on the otherside!

If you are new to our site we highly recommend that you read the about section and also sign up with your email when prompted for more updates through emails.

Beautiful Nature

Your are a Living Sanctuary! 

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