1:1 Somatic Self MAstery Coaching w/ SRI (Supreme)
You are a part of a (Cosmic) Process, you are an active ongoing exploration NOT a fixed conclusion!
An important aspect of this mentorship is that I am not "healing" you, I will hold space and support the innate HEALING WISDOM that your system already holds. I will create conditions for that intrinsic infinite intelligence that is housed in your being to be expressed. Anything other than that is a form of violence in my eyes.
The old paradigm of transferring our power to another outside of ourselves is over.The new earth paradigm where we listen to our own "inner authority" has bloomed into collective consciousness.
DESTINY never intended us to be the helpless playthings of circumstance but the wise co-creators of our own life.
In this mentorship we cultivate the tools to self-sense, self-organize and self-regenerate all of your bodies through a variety of methods including Alchemical awareness, Breath, Movement, Light, Sound, Dreamwork, Bodywork (in person), Energywork and much more.
To KNOW and EMBODY yourself on a process level from the inside out is one of the fruits of this collaborative journey.
This is beyond therapy and beyond mindset mastery coaching.
Traditional therapy is "top down" meaning theres a focal point on the "MIND" and cognitively understanding our past and how we've created psychological structures that limit how we show up in the present moment. That approach works as far as giving a client a coherent narrative of what they've been through, but honestly people need an experience not an explanation for the deepest levels of healing to be occur. Somatic Self-Mastery is a bottom up focused modality that includes the living body in the healing process and conversation. It doesn't prioritize the Mind, but integrates it.
Ponder on this, you may have experienced an overwhelming experience at such an early age that you didn't even have access to the thinking mind or cognitive functions like when your reality was preverbal.How then do we move forward? Fortunately, i have the training and have worked with people in a way that we get to work on those deeper layers through very gentle processes which i can't wait to share!
This is beyond Mindset Mastery coaching because we can change our mind all we want but remember the conscious mind only runs 5% of our reality its the subconscious that governs about 95% of our reality. The subconscious has power over MATTER alone.
I work with the Psyche - Soma in a way that acknowledges the body as being the Subconscious mind. Its not "out there" its INSIDE and in the energetic field you carry with you. In other words the Mind follows the programming of the cells.
We will work in a way that allows for the safe metabolization of undigested life experience in a healthy and “dosed” way.
We will drop below the level of narrative into "somatic landscapes" to awaken to what is. This work isn’t a getting from here to there it’s discovery of what is eternally present within.The intentionality behind that perspective is what I call this the "arrow of GOD" and its part of the process i use for deeper recoding.
I have a passion and excitement for showing up through the frame works of
Prenatal & Perinatal Dynamics
Nervous system regulation/ PolyVagal Dynamics
Body Work/Energy Work
Modern Shamanism
Sound Mysticism
Kundalini Kriya Yoga
I utilize real time feedback to support you in making tiny shifts in awareness that alter the course of your life. We will use awareness and breath to make these shifts time and time again, a shift from fate to destiny is a shift from unconscious contracts to becoming a wise and intelligent conscious co- creator and participant in the Dance of life!
Do not think of these sessions as a routine set of coaching lessons where i attempt to motivate you, it would be more accurate to say its one large spacious field “learning/training environment” whereby both of us will be performing “experiments in mindfulness” (as referenced by Ron Kurtz of Hakomi) that support “Awakening in time”, through self discovery, curiosity, and exploration. I will gently touch into the nervous system through presence and invitations to allow for a bit of organization and re-patterning.
During this mentorship we will Artfully and Scientifically awaken your somatic intelligence through continuous contact with your felt sense - sensations, images, cells, the poly-rhythmicity of the body, the fluid intelligence, inner child- adult self dynamic, nervous system, dreams, breath and much more. Each time we cover more ground the Liberation of Life force energy becomes immanent.
After each session you will have homework that allow you to integrate even deeper and at your Divine Pace and Rate of Metabolism-Psychic Digestion.
Your home-work and the cultivation of your personal practice is the TIME where you slowly give birth to yourself. This is where you gain your power back because your daily practices are how you will womb yourself into the highest conceivable version and then you can GIFT that version of your self to the World. Your practices produces the inner/outer CONGRUENCE needed to live in alignment with Spirit and the World.
It is very likely you will make breakthroughs in session or out of session but we need processes installed (homework) that allow for the steady integration of each “Satori” or flash of enlightenment that takes places. This is what I term achieving “Higher Ground” it is the progressive expansion of the Consciousness and the feedback loop to the cellular level where the cells begin awakening to their own existence; Through practice.
This is about Awakening in time, breaking the minds' obsessive tendency to fixate on the past (anxiety) and the future (worry).
Healing only happens in the PRESENT.
You are invited to apply ONLY if this RESONATES and you are ready to take in deeply nourishing support!
I can support you deeply if...
* You are on an inner-child healing journey
*Working past subconscious blockages
*Tightening the relationship you have to your own energy
* Wanting compassionate trauma-informed support in your healing work
*Have chronic anxiety and stress levels
* Working with your Father Wound
* Having difficulty processing overwhelming experiences
*Need breakthroughs and shifts
* Wanting to deepen your shadow work
Mentorship is currently available for the duration of 3 Moon Cycles (90 days)
I offer a sliding scale upon request for those facing financial hardship.
All applications will receive a clarity call to see if we are a good fit and aligned in core values.
As apart of the therapeutic process each mentorship will include a crash course in Quantum Biology foundations (Light,Water,Magnetism), Alchemical Alignment ™️ Based work, a Deep Cellular Detoxification protocol and discounts off any events SupremeEssence hosts in-person or virtually for the duration of our mentorship.
Please check out my bio on the website for more info about "how" i work.
See you on the other-side!